Blazing Fast Accounting Solution

Call Isaac: +234 802 226 7916, Obi: +234 808 465 7968

Payment Vouchers

Cashbook Processed

Chart Of Accounts

Contracts Created

About Neptbillz

Neptbillz is an IPSAS Compliant Accounting Suite developed for use in public sector accounting industries

  • Developed for use in government agencies & parastatals.
  • Fully IPSAS Compliant.
  • Approved by Team Of Accountants.


Automated Payment Voucher

Automated Payment Vouchers which makes payment process smooth & seamless.

Automted Voucher Approvals

Your Manager can now approve payment vouchers right in the app.

Automated Cashbook

Process Accounting Cashbook on a Weekly/Monthly basis seamlesly.

Contractors Ledger

Easy Processing of Contractors/Client Ledger.

Financial Reporting/Statements

Fully automated & accurate financial reporting straight from the app.

SetUp Bank Account

Conveniently setup bank account for your organization.

Call For Support

Call Isaac on: +234 802 226 7916 or Obi on: +234 808 465 7968

Call For Support

Easily Print Out previous payment vouchers from our accounting suite.

  • Log into the App with your credentials.
  • Navigate to View Payment Vouchers.
  • Click on PV Details & Print your prefereed voucher.

View Details of previous payment vouchers.

Easily Preview Voucher details before or after it has been approved. This can be extremely helpful for audit purposes.

Auto-Generated Financial Report/Statements

  • Statement Of Cash Flow.
  • Statement Of Financial Performance.
  • Statement Of Financial Position.
  • Statement Of Net Asset & Equity.
  • Notes To General Purpose Financial Statements.


Free Plan - Starting From

$0 / month

  • Create Payment Vouchers
  • Only 3 Users
  • Create Contractors
  • Training
  • Support
  • Create Contracts
  • Process Monthly Cashbook
Buy Now

Developer Plan

$24,500 Lifetime

  • Full Application Source Code
  • Full Database (.bak) file
  • Complete Documentation
Buy Now
Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, Our accounting suite is fully IPSAS Compliant.

Yes, Neptbillz can be fully customized for use in Private sector accounting.

You can send us an email on:, stating fully your accounting requirements. Or Call us on: +234 802 226 7916, +234 808 465 7968

Oyo State Universal Basic Education Board (OYOSUBEB), Ebonyi State Universal Basic Education Board (EBSUBEB).

Neptbillz® Accounting is a Web Application, and can be accessed using an internet connection.